Cebu City Transportation Office said only 20 vehicles joined the Cebu City caravan for Leni

Cebu City Transportation Office said only 20 vehicles joined the Cebu City caravan for Leni

Cebu City Transportation Office said only 20 vehicles joined the Cebu City caravan for Leni

CONTRARY to the claim made by Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni” Robredo’s supporters that 200 vehicles participated in their motorcade on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021, the Cebu City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Cebu City Transportation Office said only 20 vehicles joined the caravan.

The EOC allows only 20 vehicles during a caravan, said City Councilor Joel Garganera, EOC’s deputy chief implementer.

Garganera issued a clarification on Monday, Oct. 18, after questions were raised on whether the political motorcade spearheaded by the Cebu For Leni group violated the EOC’s 20-vehicle rule.

He said the exchange between Robredo’s supporters and detractors on social media possibly made the supporters exaggerate the number of participating vehicles.

Cebu For Leni lead convenor Magdalena Lepiten had said 200 vehicles joined the caravan.

Last Saturday, Lepiten said only a few vehicles were supposed to join the caravan because Cebu City limits the number of vehicles joining political sorties to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The group was surprised that from 40 vehicles per district, the number of participants grew as the caravan reached more areas in the city.

Lt. Col. Wilbert Parilla of the Cebu City Police Office said it only seemed that several vehicles joined the caravan because there were drivers who inserted their private vehicles in the caravan, thus resulting in a long convoy.

Parilla said they will put numbers on 20 vehicles that will participate in future political caravans.

Robredo is running for President in the 2022 polls. (PAC)

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